Sonic | Sally | Nicole | Tails | Bunnie | Rotor | Antoine | Uncle Chuck | Dulcy | The King | Robotnik | Snively | Naugus | Minor Characters
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic, the Rodent, The Hedgehog, The Blue Blur, The Fastest Thing AliveThe leader of the secret Knothole Village Freedom Fighter team and “The Fastest Thing Alive,” Sonic is a "way past cool" teenage hedgehog with an attitude and the unique, in-born ability to run at supersonic speeds.
Background: Sonic’s uncle, Sir Charles Hedgehog, was a close friend of the King of Mobius before he was Roboticized at the hands of Dr. Robotnik during the fall of Mobotropolis. “Uncle Chuck” seems to serve as a father figure for Sonic. Nothing else is known in regards to his family history.
Sonic can make use of special “Power Rings”—crafted for him by his beloved Uncle Chuck—to achieve even greater feats of speed and strength.
Sonic's major weakness is his complete and utter lack of patience. Not one for manners, social customs, or thinking before he acts, he is sometimes portrayed as 'lacking in the brains department.' More likely, Sonic simply lacks the patience to make use of his intellect. Sally and he often get into disputes, with Sally's caution and reasoning standing in stark contrast to Sonic's speed-loving, action-seeking attitude. Sally's attempts to keep Sonic at bay are often in vain; luckily, Sonic's impressive physical speed and self-confidence manage to pull him out of just as many close calls as his mental speed (or the lack thereof) seem to get him into. Sonic's the kind of guy who can have fun even in the face of danger and crack jokes while staring evil in the eye.
Sonic has a certain playful arrogance about him. It's never mean-spirited, but is instead complemented by a strong sense of justice. Sonic can come across as egotistical at times—contributing to his patented “attitude.”—In practice, however, he is a good-natured guy who is never selfish in his actions. In spite of his flaws, Sonic has a big heart fully devoted both to his friends and the Freedom Fighter cause.
Princess Sally
Sally, The Princess, Sal, Sally-girlFemale, 16, Ground Squirrel
Sally is the the intellectual leader of the Freedom Fighters. She is smart, confident, deliberate, and mature. When it comes to missions and field work, Sally—along with her personal computer, NICOLE—do most of the strategic planning and analysis. While often frustrated by Sonic’s lack of caution and tendency to rush into battle, she is actually quite fond of him. When they’re able to agree, Sonic and Sally make quite an effective team.
Background: Sally is the daughter of the rightful king of Mobius, overthrown and cast into The Void by Dr. Robotnik during the coup. Sally still believes that her father is alive, and has made it her goal to find and return him to his rightful place as king.
In spite of being the rightful princess of Mobius and proud of her title and heritage, she is very down-to-Earth and dislikes being treated any differently from the rest of her Freedom Fighter friends.
Female, Unknown Age, Pocket Computer
NICOLE is Sally's helpful companion and her "best friend". She possesses an extensive database of information about just about everything and is able to analyze and compute complex problems in a "sonic second". For this, she carries a number of included sensors, making her a very valuable part of the Freedom Fighters in their fight against Robotnik. Hacking into his computer systems is one of her common tasks which she performs with ease.
According to Ben Hurst's later notes (which never became part of the in-series canon), NICOLE was once a normal Mobian and a close friend of young Sally until Robotnik kidnapped her and transferred her brain into a computer. Ben also mentions that her new computer form gave her the ability to control minds, allowing her to wipe out Robotnik's memory of her and trick him into bring her to Sally. After doing so, she intentionally disabled her own emotions and mind control ability to become a normal computer.
In season 2, Sonic brings out a bit of her emotional side by teaching her to speak "in English" and call him "way past cool".
Miles “Tails” Prower
Tails, Big Guy, Little BuddyMale, 10, Two-tailed fox
Tails is a cute two-tailed kid fox. Although his past is never really explored, it is assumed that his parents were roboticized by Robotnik, leaving him left to be raised by the surviving Freedom Fighters. Tails sees the other Freedom Fighters—particularly his "Aunt Sally"—as his adopted parents, and looks up to Sonic in every way. Although he is too young to go on missions, he often expresses his desire to be involved. In fact, Tails does begin to take a more active role toward the end of the second season, and writer Ben Hurst has stated that he would have played a much larger part in the third season as he came of age.
Being eager, Tails can sometimes jump into things too fast, much like his role model, Sonic. However, he is very perceptive and even mechanically inclined for his age, and has a huge heart for everyone he meets (Robotnik and Snively, excluded).
Tails possesses the unique ability to use his two Tails to propel himself into the air and fly for a brief period of time.
Bunnie Rabbot
BunnieFemale, Mid-teens, Rabbit
Bunnie is a fun-loving southern rabbit with a heart of gold. She's the emotional centerpoint of the team, and a close friend to all. Her legs and left arm were roboticized during a past mission (hence the title “Rabbot”), but her mind and the majority of her body remained unaltered when she was pulled from the machine in the nick of time.
Although she often wishes she had never been partially-roboticized, her robotic limbs give her the advantage of super strength, allowing her to aid significantly on missions. She is an invaluable asset to the Freedom Fighter team.
She is also a martial arts master and a huge source of support for any Freedom Fighter in need.
Rotor the Walrus

Male, Mid-teens, Walrus
Rotor is the technician and mechanical genius of the group. He has the technical know-how to turn a plan into reality, as well as the motivation to get it done. He is an easygoing guy with a friendly attitude, although he can get a bit stressed when the pressure is on... or when Antoine starts pushing his buttons.
Rotor received a new voice actor and character redesign for the second season of the series. The precise reason for this change is unknown, although along with it Rotor’s character took more of a background role.
Antoine Depardieu / D'coolette
Ant, TonyMale, Mid-teens, Coyote?
Antoine is the coward of the group. While he genuinely desires to protect “zee Princess” (Sally), his presence generally results in more problems than it remedies. Sonic often makes light of “Ant’s” lack of gumption and the rest of the team generally follows with mutual annoyance. In turn, Antoine expresses distaste for Sonic’s mannerisms and disregard for safety. This distaste extends to his jealously of Sonic’s relationship with Sally, which he finds genuinely repulsive.
Background: Antoine was a young royal guard or guard-in-training at the time of Robotnik's takeover. He escaped to Knothole Village along with Sally and the rest.
Antoine has a heavy (pseudo?) French accent and regularly manages to mangle the English language beyond recognition, much to the comic relief of the rest of the team and viewers at home.
Sir Charles Hedgehog
Uncle Chuck, Charlie, Unc, Doctor HedgehogMale, 60-70s?, Hedgehog
Uncle Chuck is Sonic’s beloved uncle, a member of the Royal Court, and a good friend of the king. He raised Sonic while working for the royal family in Mobotropolis as a scientist. One of Chuck's final projects was the invention of the roboticizor, which was originally intended to help Mobians live longer but was stolen by Robotnik during his takeover to be used for his own evil purposes.
Sir Charles was one of the first to be publicly roboticized by Robotnik. Although he initially loses his free will, Sonic is able to bring him back to his senses through the use of a power ring—also one of Chuck's own inventions. Uncle Chuck later becomes a valuable asset to the team working as a spy in Robotropolis.
Dulcy the Dragon
Dulcy, DulceFemale, Early Teens, Dragon
Dulcy first appeared on the team (without any real explanation) with the introduction of the second season. According to writer Ben Hurst, Dulcy was brought on board because ABC wanted another female character on the show.
Dulcy is a comical, clumsy young dragon still learning the basics of flight... or at least of landing. She's very much a child at heart and is still coming to terms with adolescence. She is a bit lazy and absent-minded at times, and seems to require an inordinate amount of sleep. Nevertheless, she is an extremely kind and helpful personality.
Dulcy serves as a mode of transportation for the other Freedom Fighters (either riding on her back or in her pouch), and has several other useful abilities including fire and ice breath attacks.
The King
Your Majesty, DaddyMale, Middle-aged, Squirrel
Sally's father and the good king of Mobius before Robotnik's takeover. The King was a well loved, well respected leader, and a noble man. After the overthrow, Robotnik locked him away in Ironlock Prison, and later banished him to the Void. In his foresight, the King left clues to his whereabouts and other useful information along the way for his daughter to discover.
Dr. Robotnik (Julian)
Robotnik, Julian, Ro-butt-nik, 'Buttnik, Egghead, etc.Male, Middle-aged, Human(ish)
Robotnik is the obligatory mephistophelean villain. An evil, power hungry tyrant and mechanical genius who overthrew the good king of Mobius and roboticized much of the planet's population, he seeks nothing more than to satisfy his own vision of a drab, lifeless, mechanical world under his sole control.
Julian worked under the King as War Minister during the "Great War." His position of respect and power gave him a leg up in his secret plan to overthrow the government. Using his advanced mechanical and technological prowess, he used technology for evil by building and reprogramming an army of the Mobotropolis robots to take over the city, roboticize its populace, and transform it into Robotropolis.
The only thing that stands between Robotnik and complete world domination is a small collection of Freedom Fighter groups and the one force he despises more than any other... Sonic the Hedgehog.
Slimely, Shrimp-Boat, Sniiively, Sni-ve-lyyy!Male, 30s?, Human(ish)
Snively is Robotnik’s nephew and lackey who assisted him in his overthrow of the King. Robotnik now treats Snively like a servant, and shows little to no respect or fondness for his little relative. Likewise, Snively has come to despise Robotnik. He is quite intelligent and would love for nothing more than to overthrow his uncle, but fears for his life at Robotnik's hands.
Ixis Naugus
NaugusMale, Unknown, Unknown
A powerful sorcerer with the ability to shapeshift and turn others into whatever form he pleases. Naugus befriended Robotnik at one point before the overthrow. The two discovered the Void together, but Robotnik backstabbed Naugus and left him stuck in it. He cannot leave the Void now or he will turn to crystal and die.
Minor Characters
Ari - Leader of an outside group of Freedom Fighters. The rest of his team was captured and roboticized by Robotnik.
Cat - Freedom Fighter captured and (presumably) roboticized on a mission to Robotropolis.
Cluck - Robotnik's robotic pet bird.
The Guardian - Watches over Lazaar's "Forbidden Zone."
Griff - A member and leader of "Lower Mobius," an underground city built by a group of citizens who escaped Robotnik's initial takeover.
Keeper of the Time Stones - A floating owl-like creature on the Floating Island that holds the key to the time stones, mysterious rocks with the ability to warp Mobians to the past.
The Kraken - A giant beast who rules over an underground kingdom below the Great Forest.
Lazaar - A once evil wizard, put into a deep sleep and locked up for years inside a fortress in the Forbidden Zone.
Lupe - Leader of The Wolf Pack, a group of peaceful, Native American-like wolves torn apart during Robotnik's takeover.
Muttski - Sonic's pet pooch who was roboticized along with Uncle Chuck.
Pollo and Dirk - Leaders of the Eastern and Southern Freedom Fighter groups.
Rosie - Knothole's nanny. She was with the Freedom Fighters before the takeover and later in Knothole, but was captured and roboticized one day when she left the Great Forest. She was brought back via a change of events during Sonic and Sally's time travel in "Blast to the Past."
Sabina - Dulcy's mother.
SWAT-Bots - Robotnik's army of human-like robo-troops.
Terrapods - Dinosaur creatures similar to triceratops. They migrate to a place called Boulder Bay every year.