What would have happened in the third season?
Writer Ben Hurst was gracious enough to share a few tidbits with us regarding how season three would have gone down. According to him, season 3 would have had a markedly tight, interwoven continuity. Here are some of the details:
- Snively temporarily rises to power
- In a last ditch effort, he releases Naugus from the void, where Robotnik and King Acorn are also being held, freeing both of them in the process
- Naugus takes over and Robotnik plays second fiddle to him
- Snively defects to the Freedom Fighters
- Sonic goes through some sort of temporary character transformation
- Sally is romanced by someone other than Sonic
- Tails matures and plays a much larger role as an official member of the Freedom Figher team, even showing a bit of a rebellious side
- Dulcy comes into her full powers
- Knuckles possibly factors into the story towards the end of the season (if Sega wanted it)
- Further backstory details, such as the confirmation of Mobius as "future Earth," are revealed
See also Ben's Notes